AsiaChem 2/1 November 2020

Click on the cover image to read the magazine.

Individual articles as high-resolution PDF are available below.

Asian Chemists speak with one voice
Page 5
Ehud Keinan

FACS in the 21st century
Page 6
Reuben Jih-Ru Hwu and Dave Winkler

Welcome from IUPAC
Page 7
Christopher Brett and Richard Hartshorn

EuChemS congratulates FACS on its 40th Anniversary
Page 8
Floris Rutjes, Pilar Goya Laza and David Cole-Hamilton

Greetings from the American Chemical Society
Page 9
Luis Echegoyen, H.N. Cheng and Bonnie Charpentier

String Theories: Chemical Secrets of Italian Violins and Chinese Guqins
Page 10
Bruce Tai and Wenjie Cai

Reticular Chemistry and Harvesting Water from Desert Air
Page 18
Cheng-Hsin Liu, Ha L. Nguyen and Omar Yaghi

Material Challenges for Colloidal Quantum Nanostructures in Next Generation Displays
Page 26
Yossef E. Panfil, Meirav Oded, Nir Waiskopf and Uri Banin

Microbes 2.0: Engineering Microbes with Nanomaterials
Page 36
Rong Cai, Ji Min Kim,Stefano, Cestellos-Blanco, Jianbo Jin, and Peidong Yang

Engines of discovery: Computers in advanced synthesis planning and identification of drug candidates
Page 42
Bartosz A. Grzybowski

CO2 Recycling: The Conversion of Renewable Energy into Chemical Fuels
Page 50
Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci

Interview with Prof. Yuan Tseh Lee
Page 56
Ehud Keinan

Chemistry in a post-Covid-19 world
Page 60
Goverdhan Mehta, Alain Krief, Henning Hopf and and Stephen Matlin

The Federation of Asian Chemical Societies: Forty years on
Page 68
Thomas H. Spurling and John M. Webb

The 18th Asian Chemical Congress and the 20th General Assembly of the FACS
Page 72
Ehud Keinan